
Пн, фев

Humanitarian project “Inclusion.Llibrary without borders "

  • Мин. Малинький Средний Большой Макс.
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State institution of culture "Borisov Central Regional Library named after I.Kh. Kolodeev"


Objective of the project: The project is aimed at solving the problem of arranging a barrier-free environment in the central library for residents of Borisov and guests of the town who, due to their disabilities (including movement in a wheelchair) or health conditions, find it difficult or almost impossible to move through the four floors of the library - to visit art exhibitions, meetings with writers, master classes, English classes, meeting friends, playing board games.

1. The name of the project: "INCLUSION. LIBRARY WITHOUT BORDERS "

2.Project implementation period: 24 months

3. Organization-applicant, proposing the project: State institution of culture "Borisov Central District Library named after I.Kh. Kolodeev"

4. Aims of the project:

 Trust - the project carries the hopes of citizens to improve their lives, faith in the realization of interests, satisfaction of educational and awareness-raising needs and desires.

Partnership - interaction of the library with people with disabilities, their associations, organizations, regional communities and international organizations.

Culture of Peace - social interaction and cooperation based on the principles of freedom, justice and democracy, all human rights, tolerance and solidarity.

5. Tasks planned for implementation within the framework of the project:

For the successful implementation of the project, it is necessary to install in the central library a special vertical lift with 4 floors (11 meters) for people with disabilities.

6.Target group: people with disabilities living in Borisov, guests of the town (tourists):

- young people with disabilities (18-30 years old) of the day care unit for disabled people of the TTSON Borisov district; 

- people with visual impairments of the Public Association "Belarusian Association of Visually Impaired" 

- people with disabilities (wheelchair users of the Borisov regional organization of the Republican Association of Wheelchair Disabled Persons); 

- children with special needs (with autism spectrum disorders, Down syndrome) 

- elderly people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and other diseases; 

- young parents with small children.

7.Brief description of project activities:

- design and survey work

- installation of a vertical lift

- equipment maintenance

8.Total funding: (USD): 42,000 (USD)


Source of financing

Funding volume

(in USD)

Contributor funds


Co-financing (charitable account)


9.Location of the project:

Republic of Belarus, Minsk region, Borisov

10.Contact person:

E.S. Kopytok, director of the library

+ 37529-699-78-41

11.project page on the Internet:

Project page on the social network Facebook