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Художественная литература на английском языке
Johnny Tremain by Ester Forbes
Ask anyone who read Johnny Tremain several decades ago, and we guarantee they'll remember one thing: it's about an apprentice silversmith in Colonial Boston who burns his hand really, really badly on molten silver. To give Esther Forbes credit, it's a memorable image. It's like when Viserys gets molten gold poured on his head in A Game of Thrones, but with less royal infighting and more workplace injury.
Кто такой Джонни Тремейн? Представьте себе подростка. Ему исполнилось всего четырнадцать лет, а он уже серебряных дел мастер. Хозяин его стар, и потому он доверяет Джонни выполнять все самые сложные заказы. Вдруг…Впрочем, о том, что случилось вдруг, вы узнаете, когда прочтёте эту книгу. Автор её — известная современная американская писательница Эстер Форбс. Книга рассказывает о прошлом: середина XVIII века, североамериканские колонии Англии накануне Войны за независимость. Герои повести и прежде всего Джонни Тремейн оказываются свидетелями таких известных исторических событий, как «бостонское чаепитие», и принимают участие в первых схватках с королевскими войсками. Приключения |
Brewster by Mark Slouka The year is 1968. The world is changing, and sixteen-year-old Jon Mosher is determined to change with it. Racked by guilt over his older brother's childhood death and stuck in the dead-end town of Brewster, New York, he turns his rage into victories running track. Meanwhile, Ray Cappicciano, a rebel as gifted with his fists as Jon is with his feet, is trying to take care of his baby brother while staying out of the way of his abusive, ex-cop father. When Jon and Ray form a tight friendship, they find in each other everything they lack at home, but it's not until Ray falls in love with beautiful, headstrong Karen Dorsey that the three friends begin to dream of breaking away from Brewster for good. Freedom, however, has its price. As forces beyond their control begin to bear down on them, Jon sets off on the race of his life--a race to redeem his past and save them all. Mark Slouka's work has been called "relentlessly observant, miraculously expressive" (New York Times Book Review). Reverberating with compassion, heartache, and grace, Brewster is an unforgettable coming-of-age story from one of our most compelling novelists. |
Jake's Orphan by Peggy Brooke Tree longs to escape the orphanage and find a real home for himself and his younger brother. But when his chance finally comes, "There's just room for one," says Delton Gunderson, who is looking for a boy to help work his North Dakota farm. If the Gundersons like Tree's work, they might adopt him. If they don't, back he goes. "I promise," Tree tells his brother, Acorn, "if... |
The Opposite of Fate: Memories of a Writing Life by Amy Tan “Thanks to my mother, I was raised to have a morbid imagination. When I was a child, she often talked about death as warning, as an unavoidable matter of fact. Little Debbie's mom down the block might say, 'Honey, look both ways before crossing the street.' My mother's version: 'You don't look, you get smash flat like sand dab.' (Sand dabs were the cheap fish we bought live in the market, distinguished in my mind by their two eyes affixed on one side of their woebegone cartoon faces.) The warnings grew worse, depending on the danger at hand. Sex education, for example, consisted of the following advice: 'Don't ever let boy kiss you. You do, you can't stop. Then you have baby. You put baby in garbage can. Police find you, put you in jail, then you life over, better just kill youself.” ― Amy Tan, The Opposite of Fate: Memories of a Writing Life |
Honor's Kingdom (Abel Jones #4) by Owen Parry Winner of the 2002 Hammett Award They found the dead fellow in London, balled up in a basket of eels. Chewed upon he was, and most unsightly. He still had the proper shape of a man, if a bit whittled down and perforated. But he was not handsome on the butcher's table, even though the blood was long since out of him. In a stunning re-creation of 1860s London and Glasgow that... |
Azincourt by Bernard Cornwell Agincourt is one of the epic battles of history. It was fought by two badly matched armies that met in atrocious conditions on St Crispin's Day 1415, and resulted in an extraordinary victory that was celebrated in England long before Shakespeare immortalised it in Henry V. It has always been held to be the triumph of the longbow against the armoured knight, and of the comm... |
Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe Crusoe (the family name corrupted from the German name "Kreutznaer") sets sail from the Queen's Dock in Hull on a sea voyage in August 1651, against the wishes of his parents, who want him to pursue a career, possibly in law. After a tumultuous journey where his ship is wrecked in a storm, his lust for the sea remains so strong that he sets out to sea again. This journey,... |
Big Cherry Holler by Adriana Trigiani It has been eight years since pharmacist and longtime spinster Ave Maria Mulligan married. What she hasn't counted on is that fate and the ghosts of the past will come to haunt her, and test the love she has for her husband. |
All the Brave Fellows by James L. Nelson James L. Nelson, "the American counterpart to L. Patrick O'Brian" (David Brink), writes breathtaking descriptions of the age when saliors became warriors and warriors became legends. Now his acclaimed Revolution at Sea Saga continues as General George Washington fights a loosing battle to keep Philidelpia from the hands of the British. ALL THE BRAVE FELLOWS It is 1777, th... |
Paperboy by Vince Vawter An 11-year-old boy living in Memphis in 1959 throws the meanest fastball in town, but talking is a whole different ball game. He can barely say a word without stuttering, not even his own name. So when he takes over his best friend's paper route for the month of July, he knows he'll be forced to communicate with the different customers, including a housewife who drinks too... |
Визуальные словари
Визуальные словари – отличные помощники при изучении иностранных языков. Для объяснения значения терминов и понятий в них используются изображения, что позволяет легче запоминать новые слова. Информация в таких словарях обычно располагается не в алфавитном порядке, а тематическими группами.
В фонде зала литературы на иностранных языках есть следующие визуальные словари.
Большой визуальный словарь на английском, китайском, корейском и русском языках / под общей редакцией Жана-Клода Корбея. - Москва : Эксмо, 2014 - 1232 с.
Данный словарь посвящен всему тому, что окружает человека в современном мире, и предназначен для самой широкой аудитории. В нем представлены 25000 понятий в виде подписей на четырех языках к подробным и реалистичным иллюстрациям, поэтому слова не только просто понять, но и легко запомнить. Словарь разделен на 18 тематических разделов, что способствует быстрому поиску слов.
Англо-русский, русско-английский визуальный мини-словарь / под общей редакцией Жана-Клода Корбея. - Москва : Эксмо, 2018 - 621 с.
Словарь является сокращенной версией полного визуального словаря; в нем наглядным образом представлены 13500 слов английского языка, сгруппированные по темам. Словарь легко читается, удобен в применении; в нем легко найти точный и корректный термин в любой профессиональной области или сфере интересов; его можно использовать для перевода слов как с английского, так и с русского языка.
Визуальные словари станут незаменимым справочным пособием для школьников и студентов, лингвистов и филологов, переводчиков и редакторов - для самого широкого круга читателей, изучающих иностранные языки и стремящихся к эффективному расширению словарного запаса.